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dUltimate - Kickstarter UPDATE #7

Hi Ultimates,

It's once again time to party because...

We hit our second Stretch Goal!

As predicted in the weekly project update; we just hit the second Stretch Goal and unlocked the Glow-In-The-Dark style. Sweet!

Glow-In-The-Dark dUltimate handmade prototype (with ceiling lights on!)

This was the second most popular style selected in the pre-launch questionnaires - and now it will be made alongside the other unlocked dUltimate styles.

Glow-In-The-Dark dUltimate handmade prototype (with ceiling lights off!)

Now that this style is unlocked everyone is able choose this new style for their dUltimate. You will be able to choose the style for your dUltimate dice in the PledgeBox pledge manager after the campaign concludes.

Thank you all for making this happen!! Now lets party in the comment section be telling me your favorite/dearest/most memorable glow-in-the-dark item you had as a kid! Mine were glow-in-the-dark stars that were placed on the ceiling :-)

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